In the Heart of the Sea 2015 online filmek

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In the Heart of the Sea

In the Heart of the Sea


In the Heart of the Sea 2015


187 peinlich genau




DTS 1440p


Thriller, Drama, Adventure, Action, History




Hennah, Ronsard Z. Lacee, Patel M. Shawn

In the Heart of the Sea 2015 kostenlose filme

In the Heart of the Sea"

In the Heart of the Sea filme online kostenlos

> We actually know this story, but not the truth until now!

Ron Howard's latest sea adventure, stars Chris Hemsworth in an important role. So the people comparing it with 'Moby Dick', because both the film is about the same story, but one was inspired and the other one was, I mean this film was based on the actual event. I had seen the BBC film 'The Whale', not a bad film for a low budget television film. Most importantly, it revealed the truth about what I was not aware of from one of my favourite sea adventure films.

I never read the book, but saw the British version, so I knew what I'm going to witness. Still, I was very interested to check it out, because it is a grand film and as expected I loved the visuals. Those sea adventures were very realistic, except the action sequences which is obviously cinema gimmick. The surprise part was the narration. It was a flashback story, something like 'Life of Pi', a man recall his old memory of his survival at the sea with other crew members of the ship Essex when it was attacked by a big white whale.

It is kind of impossible to believe what this film says is true. And obviously what we see is not what exactly happened, but very close. So see this film to believe it. Whatever it is, I totally enjoyed watching it. The 2 hour long never looked too long. There are a few mild disturbing scenes due to the theme concept, but it is a good family film. If you like 'Moby Dick' then you should watch it. Definitely an underrated film by the film critics.

I love these type of 18th century film flair, and the whole pirate-like or merchant crew voyaging to the open sea looking for a non-abundant resource later to be topped with an impossible foe because of the technology at the time thus lead to strand in mother nature. Good stuff!

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